Monday, June 26, 2017

New Storytime Write-ups

Pretty soon I will be posting a huge backlog of storytime write-ups. Because these are older storytime plans, I probably won't go into much detail about with how it went or about which books and songs on the list that I ended up using for each storytime. I just want to get them all written up and posted ASAP so I can get back on track with my blog updates. I might end up doing less extensive write-ups in the future too and just post a list of books, songs, and rhymes for each theme so I can get the posts up more quickly. Hopefully this still works well for anyone who follows me. I figured it's better to get shorter posts up than let a backlog of drafts languish while I work on write-ups!


  1. If this is your first well done. I would love to hear more about your life!
    What days will you update? Please let me know!

    1. My schedule for updating right now is pretty random, but I'm going to try to get on a consistent schedule of Friday updates.

  2. I'd love to learn more about your felt-making process - I'm pretty intimidated by the whole idea of making felt stories, and I'd love a glimpse into how you create yours, and what materials you might recommend to a newbie! :-)

    1. I'll see what I can write up this weekend! I keep meaning to do blog updates on my days off and then get distracted by other things. I have been meaning to do a tutorial for a while though :)
