Good Morning Yoga by Mariam Gates
You are a Lion! by Taeeun Yoo
Little Yoga by Rebecca Whitford
I am Yoga by Susan Verde
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids by Teresa Anne Power
Yoga Bunny by Brian Russo
Another in my backlog of drafts. I am so glad to finally get this one posted!
Full disclosure: I am not at all a certified yoga instructor. I've taken some yoga classes and that's about it. Some library systems may take issue with doing a "yoga" storytime without certification. I posted about this storytime on Storytime Underground and when others brought up this concern, Andrea, who runs the Yogilibrarian, suggested calling it "mindful movement" instead, which I think is a brilliant idea if you have any concerns.
Full disclosure: I am not at all a certified yoga instructor. I've taken some yoga classes and that's about it. Some library systems may take issue with doing a "yoga" storytime without certification. I posted about this storytime on Storytime Underground and when others brought up this concern, Andrea, who runs the Yogilibrarian, suggested calling it "mindful movement" instead, which I think is a brilliant idea if you have any concerns.
This storytime was so much fun! I honestly wasn't sure how yoga would go for storyime, but it was great! I had a stand to hold up the books while we were doing poses together. The kids responded really well to all the movement and poses. They especially loved You Are a Lion because we made animal sounds together along with doing the poses. I have since purchased this book for my permanent storytime collection so I'll always have it available to use! One of the older boys who came to my storytime this day was so into it that he was asking for yoga books to checkout after the storytime was over, which definitely makes it a success in my book!
Click read more for song and rhyme ideas for a yoga theme!
Click read more for song and rhyme ideas for a yoga theme!